3 min read

    Agility, Configuration Drift and Docker

    Once you eliminate your number one problem, number two gets a promotion. Rudy’s Rutabaga Rule, Jerry Weinberg This week I've been thinking about agility and configuration drift, and of course how the ...

    1 min read

    Interview with Kelsey Hightower, Developer and Advocate at CoreOS

    In the third part of our ‘Tech Interview’ series Container Solution’s Mark Coleman talks to Kelsey Hightower, Developer and Advocate at CoreOS. You can see the previous interview here.

    9 min read

    How to set up Mesos on Google Cloud with Terraform

    Imagine a world where you describe an auto-scalable, fault-tolerant computer cluster in a simple declarative language. Then imagine that you can create the cluster with a single command. You can chang...

    2 min read

    Container Solutions Introduces Rocker

    Container Solutions is proud to release today its own container technology, Rocker. Rocker is an amalgamation of ideas and sources from both the Docker and Rocket projects.

    1 min read

    Interview with Andrew Phillips, VP Product Management at Xebialabs

    In the second part of our 'Tech Interview' series Container Solution's Mark Coleman talks to Andrew Phillips, VP Product Management at XebiaLabs. You can see the previous interview here.

    10 min read

    Docker Inspect Template Magic

    Most Docker users are aware of the docker inspect command which is used to get metadata on a container or image, and may have used the -f argument to pull out some specific data, for example using doc...

    2 min read

    I am Going to Challenge That

    I’ve had a funny day today. I am a bit sick and so was pottering around. I picked up a book from the shelf by Joan Freeman called How to Raise a Bright Child. This paragraph got me thinking.

    Dev and Ops in the Time of Clouds

    The pace of technological changes in software engineering is continuously increasing, and every day we are surprised with new innovations. Most of them are insignificant, but some of them are true rev...

    2 min read

    How Docker Compose Helps When Building a Web-Application

    All the code from this blog can be found here: https://github.com/ContainerSolutions/toolset.git