The other day I was working on Mesos Elasticsearch and encountered a problem while running the framework. The framework did not accept any offers from slaves because I had not properly configured the ...
What if Terraform deployments could be visualised in real time? It would be quite exciting, and surely worth investigation.
The introduction of third-generation programming languages (3GL) into mainstream software development during the 1950’s was arguably the point of inflexion for the programming industry, and languages ...
One of our clients is a large organization which run its systems behind a proxy. This means the developers have to set environment variables like http_proxy and https_proxy to get many *NIX tools work...
The new Docker Registry 2.0 was released on April 16th, 2015. It was completely rewritten in Go with added support for the new Docker Registry HTTP API V2 (thus only working with Docker 1.6+), promisi...
I’ve been reading a book recently called Strategy: A History. I came across the Prussian General, Carl von Clausewitz, who wrote the following:
The module that this blog refers to is here:
The goal At Container Solutions we’re currently building a Mesos framework and I was tasked with getting CI up and running. The framework uses Gradle for builds and Docker to build images. We use the ...
In a previous post, we showed you how to set up your own Mesos cluster with Terraform by using our Terraform-Mesos module. In this post we'll be shedding some light on how the module is structured.