The pace of technological changes in software engineering is continuously increasing, and every day we are surprised with new innovations. Most of them are insignificant, but some of them are true rev...
All the code from this blog can be found here:
In this post we're going to take a quick look at how you can mount the Docker sock inside a container in order to create "sibling" containers. One of my colleagues calls this DooD (Docker-outside-of-D...
In the Part 1 I showed how to dockerize a node.js application on the development machine and later deploy Jenkins and Docker registry using Docker Compose and use them for continuous integration of th...
I often say to both my team at Container Solutions and my customers that we ‘need leaders at every level’. My definition of leadership is this: if a person acts in a way that reduces fear and increase...
Docker Compose Except for a few small shortcuts, this post will demonstrate how to start your own functional Continuous Delivery pipeline for a Node.js project in less than one minute.
Two key concepts in games are having a goal and getting quick feedback. These concepts are useful for games, businesses and governments. Posters are a way to gently remind yourself of your mission, yo...
It may seem like heresy to some, but at Container Solutions we are not that fond of accountability or transparency.