2 min read

    How Docker Compose Helps When Building a Web-Application

    All the code from this blog can be found here: https://github.com/ContainerSolutions/toolset.git

    5 min read

    Running Docker in Jenkins (in Docker)

    In this post we're going to take a quick look at how you can mount the Docker sock inside a container in order to create "sibling" containers. One of my colleagues calls this DooD (Docker-outside-of-D...

    10 min read

    Continuous Delivery with Docker on Mesos in less than a minute - Part 2

    In the Part 1 I showed how to dockerize a node.js application on the development machine and later deploy Jenkins and Docker registry using Docker Compose and use them for continuous integration of th...

    5 min read

    Live Blog QCon London 2015: our mission to Fly To The Moon and reinforcement of the Microservices and DevOps messages

    4 min read

    Are Good Engineers by Definition Good Leaders?

    I often say to both my team at Container Solutions and my customers that we ‘need leaders at every level’. My definition of leadership is this: if a person acts in a way that reduces fear and increase...

    Continuous Delivery with Docker on Mesos in less than a minute - Part 1

    Docker Compose Except for a few small shortcuts, this post will demonstrate how to start your own functional Continuous Delivery pipeline for a Node.js project in less than one minute.

    1 min read


    Two key concepts in games are having a goal and getting quick feedback. These concepts are useful for games, businesses and governments. Posters are a way to gently remind yourself of your mission, yo...

    2 min read

    Accountability - Whatever

    It may seem like heresy to some, but at Container Solutions we are not that fond of accountability or transparency.

    12 min read

    How to deploy a web container on a Google powered Mesos cluster

    Lately I've been getting my hands dirty deploying applications on Mesos clusters, using Marathon to run Docker containers. I appreciate how it enables you to deploy a wide variety of applications usin...