Why I'm No Longer Talking to Architects About Microservices

    It happened again last week. I was at an architecture review meeting when a fellow architect eagerly started another debate about *microservices*. Within minutes, eyes glazed over and we were knee-dee...

    Exploring OSCAL Using Neo4J

    This post is aimed at those interested in continuous compliance, an extension of cloud native principles to the area of software compliance, an under-developed field of software automation.

    15 min read

    Paralysed by Perfection: the Case for Action in Times of Change

    Imagine a business that knows its survival depends on change—but can't decide how to act. This scenario plays out more often than you'd think, with fear of failure paralysing decision-making and ensur...

    Does Crossplane Replace Terraform? Part I: the Theory

    What is Crossplane? If you don't already know, Crossplane is billed as an:

    In Praise of Low Tech DevEx

    When I started my career as an engineer in the early noughties, I was very keen on developer experience (devex). So when I joined a company whose chosen language was TCL (no, really), I decided to ask...

    9 min read

    At 50 Years Old, Is SQL Becoming a Niche Skill?

    SQL is turning 50 years old later this week 🎉 In your opinion, which are the best bits? Which are the worst? pic.twitter.com/aAB5emHuip — Jeremy Taylor (@refset) April 29, 2024

    OK Cloud, On-Prem is Alright

    As someone who has worked in software since 2001, and in the Cloud Native (containerisation and Kubernetes) space since 2013, I'm getting old enough to have seen trends come and go a few times. VMs ca...

    6 min read

    Cloud Cost Management Part II - Quick Wins

    In the previous post we outlined and defined the three categories of cost management:

    6 min read

    Introducing the Open Source Compliance Framework