What is a Product Thinking Mindset?

    This post is the first in a series on Product Thinking:

    6 min read

    Learn jq the Hard Way, Part II: The jq Command

    Introduction See Part I to get an introduction to this series, and a guide on the Hard Way method. In this post, we cover: What jq is Look at examples of it Introduce key terms Briefly look at its pla...

    9 min read

    Under Control: Why Governance Engineering is Coming to Cloud Native

    The history (and prehistory) of Cloud Native has been characterised by the gradual encroachment of automation on more and more pieces of the software engineering lifecycle. In the dark ages before the...

    14 min read

    Learn jq the Hard Way, Part I: JSON

    Introduction At Container Solutions, we spend a significant amount of engineering time wrangling JSON requests and responses to and from various APIs. While traditional text-processing tools such as g...

    9 min read

    Building for Compliance - Part I

    As Container Solutions grows and consults with more and more businesses, we notice common pain points encountered whenever we talk about Cloud Native platforms. One of these areas is compliance.

    10 min read

    Money Flows Part III: You’re Only As Agile As Your Budget

    Previously, we’ve written about how money flows across your business ultimately determines your operating culture, with posts on how transforming IT starts with finance, and how agility is related to ...

    10 min read

    AI-Augmented Software Engineering: Are We Losing Our Critical Thinking Skills?

    In the sci-fi movie "Wall-E," humans live a life of leisure, relying on advanced AI to do everything for them. As a result, they become physically and mentally complacent, losing touch with essential ...

    9 min read

    How eBPF enables Cloud Native Innovation and Performance

    Many organisations today adopted Cloud Native to allow the development and delivery of novel products and services. What was a breakthrough competitive advantage adopted only by elite teams became the...

    Reflections on Amazon Prime Video’s Monolith Move

    Recently an Amazon Prime Video (APV) article about their move from serverless tools to ECS and EC2 did the rounds on all the tech socials. A lot of noise was made about it, initially because it was in...