4 min read

    Docker and Container Provenance

    Docker 1.3 was released on the 16th of October and top of the announcements was a "tech preview" of digital signature verification. In this post, we'll have a look at what this means and why it's need...

    7 min read

    Wrapping Desktop Apps with Docker

    (or Safely Torturing Vim with Docker) by Adrian Mouat, Container Solutions

    1 min read

    Docker Meetup: 170 people at ING

    The evening of 1st Oct saw the 7th Amsterdam Docker meetup and the largest in its history, with around 170 people in attendance. The event was held for the first time at the ING offices in Haarlemmerw...

    2 min read

    MeetUp: How to scale like Twitter with Ben Hindman, creator of Mesos

    Wednesday, October 1, 2014 at 7pm We're back with a bang. Ben Hindman will be coming to speak to us about Apache Mesos!

    Dockercon in Amsterdam

    DockerCon Europe 2014 is a two-day Docker-centric conference that is organized by Docker, Inc. and the Amsterdam community. It will feature topics and content about all aspects of Docker and will be s...