4 min read

    Innovation and the Fear of Loss

    In England we say that as you get older you become politically more Conservative. Winston Churchill said “If you’re not left wing when you’re 17, you’ve got no heart. If you’re not right wing by the t...

    6 min read

    The Adjacent Possibility

    Yesterday a Git user called David (dvonthenen) created a pull request that added external volumes to our ELK framework. This seems like an extremely valuable addition to our work. As David says in the...

    12 min read

    Security Challenges in Microservice Implementations

    3 min read

    minimesos 0.5.0 - Mac OS X support

    We are cohosting the Gopher Gala 2016

    It's official. We're pleased to announce we are going to be co-hosting the Gopher Gala 2016.

    8 min read

    Using binpack with Docker Swarm

    Docker Swarm - Docker's native clustering solution - ships with two main scheduling strategies, spread and binpack. The spread strategy will attempt to spread containers evenly across hosts, whereas t...

    Monitoring Performance in Microservice Architectures

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    The Wheel of Fortune

    Wheel of fortune This is the story of how we came to bring a wheel of fortune to DockerConEU 2015!

    11 min read

    Write your own Terraform provider: Part 1

    Write your own Terraform provider: Part 1 This is the first part of a series of blog posts that explain how to write Terraform providers.