5 min read

    Caveats of running Mesos cluster in Docker containers

    The Problem In our efforts to simplify and speed-up the MiniMesos Testing Framework, we decided to move away from a Docker-in-Docker implementation to one where each node ran in their own containers. ...

    2 min read

    Linux System Programming course

    At Container Solutions, we are a learning organisation. We're always digging deeper into the issues at hand, asking questions not only about how something should be solved but also what the underlying...

    Trying out Kubernetes

    In this post I'll describe what the steps are to achieve a simple way to get Kubernetes running. A single node Kubernetes setup can be convenient for kicking the tires, testing and local development.

    minimesos 0.4.0 - Marathon Support

    MiniMesos 0.4.0 has been released today and is available via Jitpack. MiniMesos is part of our work on Mantl, the Microservices Infrastructure platform from Cisco Cloud. The goal of minimesos is to ma...

    3 min read

    From Development to Production with Otto

    A couple of weeks ago during the HashiConf, Otto was announced (check the official blog post here). It promises to be the successor to Vagrant. For me, this is quite an ambitious statement but I’m not...

    Terraforming a Nomad cluster

    All the code from his blog is available on Git.

    4 min read

    MiniMesos - Testing Infrastructure for Mesos Frameworks

    14 min read

    Reasons to use Apache Mesos Frameworks

    The media is full of discussions of microservices and cloud-based infrastructure and for good reason. Encapsulating tasks into higher and higher abstractions is being shown by various large companies ...

    From Microservices To Artificial Intelligence Operating System

    While microservices are a relatively new concept, industry leaders have been using the same principles - namely high granularity of design, isolation, and automation - for years. And what they share s...