7 min read

    What’s the Total Cost of a Cloud Native Transformation?

    If you’ve been in IT for any length of time, you know that once upon a time, basically all servers ran on Windows. That’s just how it was: Microsoft’s Windows NT operating system dominated the market,...

    Engineers: Why Do You Hate Marketing?

    Any company that has made it past the earliest startup, launching-from-your-living-room phase has two things: engineers and marketing. Engineers to design and build your product or service, and market...

    6 min read

    4 Ideas to Help Improve Your Diversity and Inclusion Strategy

    As a female engineer, I have had my fair share of struggles and grievances with tech companies and tech events. But now that I am trying to find engineers to hire or speak at conferences myself, I can...

    The Green Cloud: How Climate-Friendly Is Your Cloud Provider?

    In 2018, ex-AWS employee Paul Johnston and I jointly published a report on the state of energy use in the cloud. How could we as consumers make ethical and future-proof choices about hosting?

    Cloud Native (and Beyond): Strategy for Beginners

    Check out video from one of our webinars on strategy here. I am going to be very honest right now: I wrote this blog a year ago. It was during a time when members of my own team were driving me mad wi...

    Managers in the Middle, Part 3: Melting the Frozen Middle

    This post is part of a three-part series on middle managers and Cloud Native transformation. Here are parts one and two. In the second part of this series we looked at how mid-level managers may not w...

    9 min read

    Managers in the Middle, Part 2: The Frozen Middle

    This post is part of a three-part series on middle managers and Cloud Native transformation. Here are parts one and three.

    Managers in the Middle, Part 1: Fighting the Waterfall

    This post is part of a three-part series on middle managers and Cloud Native transformation. Here are parts two and three. Being a middle manager is a tough gig.

    Starting a Cloud Native Transformation? Don’t Repeat Your Mistakes

    Sometimes, you just know that things won’t end well. When a company takes on a Cloud Native project, let alone a full transformation, it’s already got a lot of challenges ahead of it.