This is part 2 of a 3-part series. You can read part 1 here. As Container Solutions continues to grow internationally, so does our need for innovative onboarding strategies. We aim to make this tumult...
At Container Solutions, we’re in the middle of rapid growth. Over roughly the past year, we doubled the number of employees we have. We opened new offices in Poland and the Czech Republic. This year, ...
As COVID-19, or coronavirus continues its rapid spread, it’s having an impact not only on human health but also on the global economy. The tech world is feeling it. In Silicon Valley, Google cancelled...
Container Solutions is growing fast. This is good news! But when a company becomes this large—we are now more than 100 people, and adding more every week—we can no longer simply stop by each others’ d...
If you’ve been in IT for any length of time, you know that once upon a time, basically all servers ran on Windows. That’s just how it was: Microsoft’s Windows NT operating system dominated the market,...
Any company that has made it past the earliest startup, launching-from-your-living-room phase has two things: engineers and marketing. Engineers to design and build your product or service, and market...
As a female engineer, I have had my fair share of struggles and grievances with tech companies and tech events. But now that I am trying to find engineers to hire or speak at conferences myself, I can...
In 2018, ex-AWS employee Paul Johnston and I jointly published a report on the state of energy use in the cloud. How could we as consumers make ethical and future-proof choices about hosting?
Check out video from one of our webinars on strategy here. I am going to be very honest right now: I wrote this blog a year ago. It was during a time when members of my own team were driving me mad wi...