Maintaining Your Mental Health During the COVID-19 Crisis

    The following guidance has been written primarily for use by Container Solutions employees globally; but it is being shared externally to act as a useful reminder for all workplaces in these challengi...

    Why Cutting Innovation Will Kill You After a Crisis

    It’s hard to think ahead when your house is on fire. But that’s exactly what we all need to do now.

    Deep Dive: Deployment Automation for Applications on Kubernetes (Part 2)

    This post is the second part of a series. Read the first part here. In the first part of this deep dive, we looked at kubectl and how it is a quick and easy way to do deployments but how certain edge ...

    Deep Dive: Deployment Automation for Applications on Kubernetes (Part 1)

    This post is the first part of a series. Read the second part here. Kubectl, if only by being the official CLI, is certainly the most popular way of interacting with Kubernetes clusters. And running k...

    How Container Solutions’ Creativity Can Help You Cope With the COVID-19 Crisis

    It’s been a hell of a week. Last week, I wrote about how the COVID-19, or coronavirus, crisis was forcing millions of workers to work from home, and could spark increased demand in the crisis aftermat...

    Where Is Your Microservices Architecture?

    At Container Solutions we often get asked what someone needs to do in order to be successful with microservices. This includes the technical challenges as well whether their culture and team structure...

    How to Break the ‘Curse of Plenty’: Part 2, Patterns to Reduce Risk

    In Part 1 of this series on management transformation patterns, we looked at how the ‘Curse of Plenty’—the complacency that can accompany prosperity—can reduce your appetite for the hard work of trans...

    Management Transformation Patterns: Part 1, The 'Curse of Plenty'

    In medieval times, there was a mythical land of Cockaigne in popular culture that served as a fantasy for the hungry masses. In this land, physical comforts were always available, and the harshness of...

    4 min read

    The Employee Journey at Container Solutions: Part 3, Personal Development

    This is part 3 of a 3-part series. Here are parts 1 and 2. At Container Solutions, we believe the best investment we can make is in our people.