Faiza was a 40-year-old professional with an illustrious career when she collapsed on a Monday morning with a stroke. She had talked to her partner for months of feeling excessive work pressure, and h...
When you invest in Developer Experience (DevEx), the impact is felt in developer productivity and happiness, and as a result profitability and retention. See why and how DevEx is essential in resourci...
Charles Humble talks to Liz Saling, Director of Engineering at GitHub. They discuss the role of developer experience at GitHub, why the firm paused feature development for an entire quarter to focus o...
WTF is an IDP?
The tech industry works hard to break away from monolithic architecture. Yet, we’ve neglected to move away from the idea of the monolithic developer experience.
Working in Cloud Native consulting, I’m often asked about who should do various bits of ‘the platform work’.
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) has announced that External Secrets Operator (ESO), an open-source solution for synchronising secrets from external APIs into Kubernetes, can begin incubat...
As an old Java developer, one of the tools that made the biggest difference to me in terms of my day-to-day productivity was something called JRebel. Introduced in 2007, JRebel was an IDE plugin that ...
Typically, a Developer Experience (DevEx) practice starts with an individual developer building a tool they find useful in their day-to-day work, and then sharing it with colleagues. As the number of ...