In Praise of Low Tech DevEx

    When I started my career as an engineer in the early noughties, I was very keen on developer experience (devex). So when I joined a company whose chosen language was TCL (no, really), I decided to ask...

    9 min read

    Under Control: Why Governance Engineering is Coming to Cloud Native

    The history (and prehistory) of Cloud Native has been characterised by the gradual encroachment of automation on more and more pieces of the software engineering lifecycle. In the dark ages before the...

    Podcast: Syntasso COO Paula Kennedy on Platform Team Responsibilities, Patterns and Anti-patterns

    Charles Humble talks to Paula Kennedy about the rise of platforms. They discuss platform definitions; common anti-patterns and how to guard against them at both a team and organisational level; provin...

    Frictionless Security: Balancing Infosec and DevEx

    The balance between Information Security (Infosec) and a good Developer Experience (DevEx) is a crucial aspect of modern-day businesses. Whilst Infosec is crucial for the protection of sensitive data ...

    Observability Culture: How to Gain Understanding Across the Organisation

    I’ve spent the last three years at cinch establishing a culture of observability, but what does that mean?

    Dashbored: Stop Looking at the Same Tired Data

    Dashboards are everywhere. Every service needs a dashboard, every team uses at least one dashboard. We have high-level dashboards, low-level dashboards, platform dashboards, infrastructure dashboards,...

    Practical Strategies for Implementing DevSecOps in Large Enterprises

    At Container Solutions, we often work with large enterprises who are at various different stages of adopting cloud technologies. These companies are typically keen to adopt modern Cloud Native softwar...

    WTF is Cloud Native Data Security?

    If you’ve got something valuable, you can pretty much guarantee that someone will be looking to carry out unauthorised activities around it, and cloud workloads are exposed to just as many security ri...

    DevSecOps: Not the Tools, the Other Bits

    If you Google “DevSecOps”, and in particular if you read the typical security vendor blogs, you’d be forgiven for thinking that the term is all about automation and tooling. However, in much the same ...