Microservices for Managers: Part 3, a Culture of Experimentation and Learning

    In my previous two blog posts, I explored two principles that are at the heart of DevOps: systems thinking and amplifying feedback loops. In this post, we’ll discuss the third and final principle, a c...

    How Your CI/CD Pipeline Reflects Your Organisation’s Structure

    Contributing to Kubernetes: Open-Source Citizenship

    I’ve been using Kubernetes for a while now and decided it was time to be a responsible open-source citizen, and contribute some code. So I started combing their issue tracker, looking for a relatively...

    DORA: The State of DevOps in 2018

    DORA, the DevOps Research and Assessment team, have recently released their 2018 State of DevOps report. An intensive collection and analysis of data on the usage and application of DevOps across orga...

    Deploying configurable frontend web application containers

    The approach for deploying a containerised application typically involves building a Docker container image from a Dockerfile once and deploying that same image across several deployment environments ...

    The Cloud Native Engineer Role

    Cloud computing changed the required skills for software engineers and system administrators. IT departments that didn’t continuously researched and adopted new technologies are usually caught off-gua...

    4 min read

    Building a Serverless cloud-native application from scratch

    I recently wrote a post on configuration management (Golang Configuration in 12 Factor Applications). It got me thinking about writing a series of posts about what is meant when we talk about a 'cloud...

    7 min read

    Golang Configuration in 12 Factor Applications

    I have been working on a Go project for the past couple of months, I have found the language pleasant to use and the tooling has been pretty impressive. I am not going to talk about this though, I am ...

    ITV - A Cloud Strategy With 50 Years of Legacy

    Last year we launched The Cloud Native Attitude a short book that provides an easy-to-read grounding in modern infrastructure tools like Docker and Kubernetes and which included 3 case studies on real...