10 min read

    Docker for Mac with Kubernetes support

    During DockerCon Copenhagen, Docker announced support and integration for Kubernetes, alongside Swarm. The first integration is in the Docker for Mac, where you can run now a 1 node Kubernetes cluster...

    9 min read

    Spinnaker for Kubernetes

    Part of our work is to be constantly on the lookout for tools that can ease cloud native development processes, that can make our work easier or faster. Just like when you are sailing a boat, you will...

    Monitoring containers on GKE with Google Stackdriver

    After acquiring Stackdriver in 2014, Google worked hard to make it the default log aggregation and monitoring solution for Google Cloud Platform (GCP). The feature set of Stackdriver is pretty good fo...

    Having a #Meltdown Over #Spectre?

    Confused yet by Meltdown and Spectre? It’s hard not to be! So what should or can you do about it?

    3 min read

    Cloud Based FPGA's: We're Not Quite There Yet

    FPGA’s, Field Programmable Gate Arrays, are reprogrammable digital logic circuits able to shape shift into just about any digital circuit you can imagine: neural networks, image processors, CPU’s… the...

    Why Use Distributed Systems? Resilience, Performance, and Availability

    Earlier in this series we discussed what Distributed Systems are and why we use them, and we controversially defined a DistSys as any system divided over more than one physical location and using deco...

    Tensorflow on Kubernetes: Kubeflow

    Google is quietly releasing increasing amounts of projects dedicated to data science. One such project that was recently pointed out to me is called Kubeflow. In its essence, it is not terribly compli...

    Why is a Single-Threaded Application like a Distributed System?

    Who's the Fastest? (Art by JDHancock.com) No, this isn't the worst Christmas cracker joke ever.

    10 min read

    What Is A Distributed System?

    Art by JDHancock..com This short series of posts comes out of a project I did with Diptanu Choudary, lots of discussions with other expert DistSys practitioners here at CS and elsewhere and my own bac...