6 min read

    Image Management & Mutability in Docker and Kubernetes

    Kubernetes is a fantastic tool for building large containerised software systems in a manner that is both resilient and scalable. But the architecture and design of Kubernetes has evolved over time, a...

    7 min read

    Golang Configuration in 12 Factor Applications

    I have been working on a Go project for the past couple of months, I have found the language pleasant to use and the tooling has been pretty impressive. I am not going to talk about this though, I am ...

    13 min read

    When is the WRONG time to use Kubernetes?

    The main reason most enterprises want to move to the cloud can be explained in two words: product velocity.

    6 min read

    Container Solutions Becomes a founding member of the Kubernetes Training Partner (KTP) Program

    Today, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) announced the Kubernetes Training Partner (KTP) program. The KTP is an extension of the Kubernetes Certified Service Provider (KCSP) program that in...

    5 min read

    My Journey: Blazing a Trail

    “Container Solutions is the greatest group of allies I’ve met so far. They’re not just interested in the label; they understand what diversity is really about.” --- Lian Li, aka Captain Electric

    ITV - A Cloud Strategy With 50 Years of Legacy

    Last year we launched The Cloud Native Attitude a short book that provides an easy-to-read grounding in modern infrastructure tools like Docker and Kubernetes and which included 3 case studies on real...

    6 min read

    What is Eventual Consistency And Why Is It So Cool?

    Using Google Container Registry with Kubernetes

    I recently got into orchestrating my Docker containers with Kubernetes. For one of our projects, I needed to pull docker images from the Google Container Registry (GCR). When using the Google Kubernet...

    4 min read

    My Journey: Exploring the Cloud

    “You’ve got to have a balance between theory, design and making stuff happen.” --- Riccardo M. Cefala, aka Captain Keepin’ Cool: CS Cloud Native Engineer