The Cloud Native Maturity Matrix in the Real World: Case Studies

    When a new client comes to Container Solutions, the very first thing we do is take them through the CS Cloud Migration Maturity Matrix. The Maturity Matrix is a custom tool to analyse and describe org...

    8 min read

    Delivering Kubernetes Native Applications with Helm

    Last week, at the GOTO Conference Amsterdam, I gave a talk on how Kubernetes is in the process of crossing The Chasm. As in, the notable (and perilous) gap that exists in the Technology Adoption Lifec...

    A Timeless Way of Building a Cloud Native System?

    This article was written jointly by Anne Currie and our CTO Pini Reznik.

    9 min read

    Six Steps to Successful Cloud Native Migration (Part 2)

    Every time we guide another enterprise client onto the cloud, Container Solutions gains new experience and insights. We used this knowledge to refine the successful migration process into six steps. P...

    5 min read

    Embracing Kubernetes Doesn't Have to Mean OPERATING Kubernetes

    Microsoft’s initial version of Azure Container Service, its a Containers as a Service (CaaS), offered a choice of orchestration engines in the form of Mesosphere DC/OS, Docker Swarm, and Kubernetes. B...

    Six Steps to Successful Cloud Native Migration (Part 1)

    Over the past three years Container Solutions has built experience by successfully guiding a range of enterprises into the cloud. Through experimentation and observation, we have distilled the practic...

    4 min read

    Building a Serverless cloud-native application from scratch

    I recently wrote a post on configuration management (Golang Configuration in 12 Factor Applications). It got me thinking about writing a series of posts about what is meant when we talk about a 'cloud...

    Cloud Native Maturity Matrix

    When an enterprise organisation looks to transform itself into a Cloud Native entity, the transformation must be firmly rooted in understanding.

    13 min read

    A Week of the Life of Container Solutions... In Tweets

    For those of you who would like to work at Container Solutions, we figured it might be nice to give you a rundown on what a week looks like.