12 min read

    API Versioning: What Is It and Why Is It So Hard?

    If you want to start a debate among API technologists, just ask them to share their thoughts on "API versioning". It's a sure bet you'll uncover some strong feelings in short order. The term "API vers...

    14 min read

    Vaccines Are Saving the World! But Did Content Delivery Networks Do It First?

    In January 2020, a radical public-health intervention was introduced to the world: the lockdown. Before China wheeled it out, it had never been used at any great scale outside Hollywood. No one believ...

    We Built a .NET Operator SDK (So You Don’t Have To)

    We built a .NET Operator SDK, in C#, so you can build your own Kubernetes Operators in C# or any .NET language. There's of course the Go Operator SDK, and there's our Java Operator SDK, so why not hav...

    6 min read

    Happy (Intersectional) International Women's Day!

    This year at Container Solutions we've asked ourselves to reflect on International Women's Day and what it means to us. We've chosen to share our experiences, our thoughts, and hopes—and we'd love for...

    12 min read

    Why We’re Building Career Paths at Container Solutions

    Last summer, in the midst of a global pandemic, we decided to build career paths and ladders into our Engineering department. Career ladders provide a path for career progressions, addressing the need...

    1 min read

    ‘Cloud Native Transformation’ Authors on Agile Uprising Podcast

    Our co-founders Jamie Dobson and Pini Reznik appeared on the Agile Uprising Podcast this week to talk about their book, Cloud Native Transformation: Practical Patterns for Innovation.

    1 min read

    3 Questions: Cheryl Hung, of CNCF, on Why Cloud Native Is a Movement

    In our recurring feature, 3 Questions, we ask influential people in the Cloud Native community a trio of queries aimed at defining WTF Cloud Native is. In this edition, Cheryl Hung, vice president of ...

    13 min read

    Microservices: the Pros and Cons of Cloud Native's Architecture

    In Google’s 5 Principles For Cloud Native Architecture, one of the conclusions is that ‘almost all cloud architectures are based on a microservices architecture’. There are several reasons for that, o...

    12 min read

    GitOps Decisions: Creating a Mature Pipeline

    GitOps is the latest hot trend in the software delivery space, following (and extending) on older trends such as DevOps, infrastructure as code, and CI/CD. So you’ve read up on GitOps, you’ve bought i...