12 min read

    How to Make Hybrid Meetings Not Suck

    Hybrid meetings are back - and people are enjoying them and finding them useful. That’s the shock finding of new research by Dr Joseph Allen, meeting scientist at the University of Utah.

    18 min read

    Hybrid Remote Work - Think Bridges, Not Destination

    As we pass the mid-point of 2021, many herald hybrid remote work as the future. It’s actually just a transition point on a much longer transformation of work in general. Some will be positive changes ...

    14 min read

    Burning the Backlog and Aligning for Flow

    Alignment and flow. Sounds like a Vinyasa yoga class. What they really are is management trends. But even the word management seems off. Because when you’re managing alignment and flow, you’re intenti...

    If You Want to Transform IT, Start with Finance

    tl;dr – ‘Money Flows Rule Everything Around Me’

    13 min read

    WTF are Dart and Flutter?

    Dart emerged from Google a little after Go, and has recently surged in popularity as the language behind the Flutter cross platform front end framework. This matters to those interested in Cloud Nativ...

    12 min read

    WebAssembly Where it Belongs: In the Cloud

    In our previous article, we introduced you to the fundamentals of WebAssembly. Now that we know what WebAssembly is, it’s time to discuss where it belongs, which, we firmly believe, is in the cloud.

    Kubernetes is Doomed!

    What does the future of hosting look like?

    5 min read

    Container Solutions Joins the Green Software Foundation

    In August, Container Solutions joined the Green Software Foundation set up (mainly by Microsoft because frankly they have the big bucks) to help promote and support the climate-aware approach to softw...

    9 min read

    WTF is WebAssembly?

    Back when everyone was deploying code directly to “bare metal”, our demands exceeded the capacity of the infrastructure we had, so our infrastructure evolved into virtual machines. The use of virtual ...