If I bumped into Zuck’s avatar at the virtual water cooler I’d quit on the spot. But the recent name change at Facebook, Microsoft’s enthusiasm, Nvidia’s Omniverse and broader industry support mean we...
We all learned during the first two weeks of November that coming to an agreement on climate issues is far from easy - everyone has their own opinion on the right and wrong way to go about things.
Building a Cloud Native edge platform
Agile turned 20 this year. Yet how many organisations are actually ‘agile’? What is agile, anyway, and does agility even make sense for all stages and ages of business? Now that IT has gone from being...
What’s your new normal like? After all, a year and a half of Covid has fundamentally changed the world of work, with technology enabling a shift to remote or hybrid working: or so we’re told. This is ...
In a large-scale study of almost 16,000 global leaders conducted by DDI in February 2021, only 1 in 5 rated themselves as effective in leading virtual teams, with the report stating “23% of leaders sa...
WTF is Cloud Native? was born out of a desire to both share what we’ve learned with the broader Cloud Native community, and provide a platform for others in the community to do the same thing. As we c...
Previously, I wrote about how a software company’s cultural challenges can be traced back to how money flows through it, using the example of an ‘accidental product’ B2B type of business that tries to...
Benjamin Franklin once said “The Only Two Certainties In Life Are Death And Taxes”. But if he was an engineer he’d probably add another to that list, outages. Engineers at Facebook would doubtless agr...