Anne Currie

    Anne Currie
    Anne Currie is tech ethicist at Container Solutions.

    The (Cloud) Hosts of Christmas Future

    'If they would rather die', said Scrooge, ‘'they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population’.

    Cloud Native, Going Green, and the Power of Civil Resistance

    What’s the best way to change the world? Two researchers published a book in 2011 on the history of conflict that took up that very question. Their book Why Civil Resistance Works pointed out a surpri...

    The Green Cloud: How Climate-Friendly Is Your Cloud Provider?

    In 2018, ex-AWS employee Paul Johnston and I jointly published a report on the state of energy use in the cloud. How could we as consumers make ethical and future-proof choices about hosting?

    Our Kubernetes Training for - Case Study

    6 min read

    What Does a Good Career in Tech (or Anything Else) Look Like?

    7 min read

    What's In It For Me? What's the Business Case for Cloud Native? Part 2

    In the first part of this blog two-parter we discussed who shouldn't embark on a Cloud Native transformation right now. In part two, we'll talk about who should.

    What's In It For Me? What's the Business Case for Cloud Native?

    The very first step in building a Cloud Native business case is figuring out if going Cloud Native is even the right thing for your company to do!

    4 min read

    Cloud Native Transformation Patterns: Existential Threat

    9 min read

    What is Cloud Native Now?