9 min read

    A Monolith Is a Burning Platform

    Monoliths gained popularity because they were safe: easy to build, easy to operate, and secure. They were in fact the way software was built for a fairly long time. But the way we build things is chan...

    Programming Languages for Microservices (and Containers)

    I'm not a programming language elitist. I'm not going to tell you that you're doing things wrong by using Java or Kotlin or Fortran or Eiffel or $insert programming language here$. It's highly unlikel...

    Structure is Not Enough; Or, Why People Matter

    Our Kubernetes Training for Booking.com - Case Study

    6 min read

    What Does a Good Career in Tech (or Anything Else) Look Like?

    Using Compose to go from Docker to Kubernetes

    This is a cross post from Jérôme Petazzoni (http://jpetazzo.github.io/). We are proud to be promoting Jérôme's upcoming Docker and Kubernetes trainings in Montreal and Quebec City.

    Contributing to Kubernetes: Open-Source Citizenship

    I’ve been using Kubernetes for a while now and decided it was time to be a responsible open-source citizen, and contribute some code. So I started combing their issue tracker, looking for a relatively...

    6 min read

    An experiment in diversity and inclusion

    Let's face it: the tech industry is not the most diverse. This is particularly true when it comes to engineering in general, and even more so in the operations community (i.e. Ops, DevOps, Infrastruct...

    Cloud Native in 2019: A Look Ahead