4 min read

    Installing a Registry on Kubernetes (Quickstart)

    So you've got your shiny new Kubernetes cluster up-and-running. You've tried running the standard nginx image and now you'd like to build and run your own image. But how are you going to get your imag...

    7 min read

    No, You Don't Need Kubernetes - You Need Unit Tests

    No, you don’t need Kubernetes, no matter how much you believe it to be the answer to all your troubles. What you actually need is unit tests. Let's look at why this is true.

    The Cloud Native Paradigm Shift: Are You Ready?

    At Container Solutions, when we say we help companies transform themselves into Cloud Native entities, we use that term for a very specific reason. Cloud Native is a major paradigm shift, not just the...

    6 min read

    The Power of Value Hierarchies in Enterprise Cloud Native (and everywhere else, too)

    Dynamic companies (or programmes of work) need a way of rapidly making day to day decisions without seeking consent or approval. One way to do this is with a value hierarchy. A value hierarchy explain...

    11 min read

    Cloud Native: Getting Culture Right

    There is a great deal of talk about the crucial role culture plays when a company undertakes a Cloud Native transformation. But what does that really mean, and why is it so important?

    13 min read

    Why Do Cloud Migrations Fail?

    This is part four in series of blogs about strategy. The third part is here. The starting point is here.

    9 min read

    A Monolith Is a Burning Platform

    Monoliths gained popularity because they were safe: easy to build, easy to operate, and secure. They were in fact the way software was built for a fairly long time. But the way we build things is chan...

    Programming Languages for Microservices (and Containers)

    I'm not a programming language elitist. I'm not going to tell you that you're doing things wrong by using Java or Kotlin or Fortran or Eiffel or $insert programming language here$. It's highly unlikel...

    Structure is Not Enough; Or, Why People Matter