Ian Miell

    Ian Miell
    Ian Miell is a Partner at Container Solutions.
    14 min read

    Learn jq the Hard Way, Part I: JSON

    Introduction At Container Solutions, we spend a significant amount of engineering time wrangling JSON requests and responses to and from various APIs. While traditional text-processing tools such as g...

    10 min read

    Money Flows Part III: You’re Only As Agile As Your Budget

    Previously, we’ve written about how money flows across your business ultimately determines your operating culture, with posts on how transforming IT starts with finance, and how agility is related to ...

    Reflections on Amazon Prime Video’s Monolith Move

    Recently an Amazon Prime Video (APV) article about their move from serverless tools to ECS and EC2 did the rounds on all the tech socials. A lot of noise was made about it, initially because it was in...

    16 min read

    Are Your Cloud Native Transformation Timelines Realistic?

    Under the heading ‘The Future of Cloud’, Gartner ran a symposium for CIOs and IT executives in 2022 including much discussion about strategies relating to Cloud and Cloud Native trends. At least two o...

    10 min read

    What We Do @CS: The Yin and Yang of Technical and Organisational Change

    At Container Solutions, we often work with customers who approach us saying they need a Cloud Native Transformation because they are not able to deliver fast enough. Typically, a leader will tell us t...

    WTFinar (with transcript): When (If Ever) is Cloud Repatriation the Right Move?

    With a few notable exceptions, the traffic of workload movement over the past decade has moved firmly one way: from the data centre to the cloud.

    Is it Imperative to be Declarative?

    Recently, in Container Solutions’ engineering Slack channel, a heated argument ensued amongst our engineers after a Pulumi-related story was posted. I won’t recount the hundreds of posts in the thread...

    Software Security Field Guide for the Bewildered

    If you have worked your way in software for a number of years and you’re not a security specialist, you might be occasionally confronted by someone from ‘security’ who generally says ‘no’ to things yo...

    15 min read

    Cloud Repatriation Trends: Where Are We Now?

    A typically controversial post from the CTO of 37signals about moving HEY’s servers out of the cloud has re-ignited the debates around cloud repatriation. To say that ‘opinion is divided’ would be to ...