At Container Solutions, we often work with customers who approach us saying they need a Cloud Native Transformation because they are not able to deliver fast enough. Typically, a leader will tell us t...
With a few notable exceptions, the traffic of workload movement over the past decade has moved firmly one way: from the data centre to the cloud.
Recently, in Container Solutions’ engineering Slack channel, a heated argument ensued amongst our engineers after a Pulumi-related story was posted. I won’t recount the hundreds of posts in the thread...
If you have worked your way in software for a number of years and you’re not a security specialist, you might be occasionally confronted by someone from ‘security’ who generally says ‘no’ to things yo...
A typically controversial post from the CTO of 37signals about moving HEY’s servers out of the cloud has re-ignited the debates around cloud repatriation. To say that ‘opinion is divided’ would be to ...
At Container Solutions, we often work with large enterprises who are at various different stages of adopting cloud technologies. These companies are typically keen to adopt modern Cloud Native softwar...
In mediaeval times, there was a mythical land of Cockaigne in popular culture that served as a fantasy for the hungry masses. In this land, physical comforts were always available, and the harshness o...
Business strategy is very easy to get wrong. You’re trying to make sure your resources and assets are efficiently deployed and focussed on your end goal, and that’s hard. There’s no magic bullet that ...
Working in Cloud Native consulting, I’m often asked about who should do various bits of ‘the platform work’.