It is with great pride, and no small measure of relief, that we announce the publication of our new book from O’Reilly Media. As of this week, copies of ‘Cloud Native Transformation: Practical Pattern...
Community has always been a huge part of Container Solutions, from meetups to workshops to conferences. When we launched our new office in Montreal last year, we were eager to join in the local commun...
First, some good news: the DevOps field’s expertise and performance is growing rapidly. Its best practices, like a clear change-approval process, not only improve speed and stability, but also help de...
Container Solutions’ training has helped hundreds of employees at client companies like Adidas,, and Earthport gain the know-how they need to manage Cloud Native technology like Kubernetes...
There was a whole kerfuffle on Twitter this weekend because someone posted about 10X engineers. I didn’t give it much thought. However, over the weekend, the noise just didn’t seem to stop, which got ...
LONDON — 21 March 2017 — Anne Currie and Container Solutions to join forces to further their aim of helping SMEs and Enterprises reap the benefits of Cloud Native.
It's official. We're pleased to announce we are going to be co-hosting the Gopher Gala 2016.
In this blog I will discuss the role of protocol buffers in Mesos framework development. Protocol buffers are used extensively for messaging and serialization inside Mesos and when developing Mesos fr...
The accompanying blog, that forms the notes for this cheat sheet, can be read here.