Why I'm No Longer Talking to Architects About Microservices

    It happened again last week. I was at an architecture review meeting when a fellow architect eagerly started another debate about *microservices*. Within minutes, eyes glazed over and we were knee-dee...

    15 min read

    Paralysed by Perfection: the Case for Action in Times of Change

    Imagine a business that knows its survival depends on change—but can't decide how to act. This scenario plays out more often than you'd think, with fear of failure paralysing decision-making and ensur...

    Does Crossplane Replace Terraform? Part I: the Theory

    What is Crossplane? If you don't already know, Crossplane is billed as an:

    Introducing the KATE Stack

    At Container Solutions, one of our ‘bread and butter’ engagements is to help a software infrastructure team move from more traditional software delivery paradigms to Cloud Native ones.

    6 min read

    Learn jq the Hard Way, Part II: The jq Command

    Introduction See Part I to get an introduction to this series, and a guide on the Hard Way method. In this post, we cover: What jq is Look at examples of it Introduce key terms Briefly look at its pla...

    9 min read

    Under Control: Why Governance Engineering is Coming to Cloud Native

    The history (and prehistory) of Cloud Native has been characterised by the gradual encroachment of automation on more and more pieces of the software engineering lifecycle. In the dark ages before the...

    14 min read

    Learn jq the Hard Way, Part I: JSON

    Introduction At Container Solutions, we spend a significant amount of engineering time wrangling JSON requests and responses to and from various APIs. While traditional text-processing tools such as g...

    Reflections on Amazon Prime Video’s Monolith Move

    Recently an Amazon Prime Video (APV) article about their move from serverless tools to ECS and EC2 did the rounds on all the tech socials. A lot of noise was made about it, initially because it was in...

    10 min read

    What We Do @CS: The Yin and Yang of Technical and Organisational Change

    At Container Solutions, we often work with customers who approach us saying they need a Cloud Native Transformation because they are not able to deliver fast enough. Typically, a leader will tell us t...