In his 1979 book, The Timeless Way of Building, Christopher Alexander tells a wonderful story of two barns. The first was extremely long, over 240 feet, and instead of having doors at the end (where y...
As Cloud Native continues to grow in popularity, with more organisations than ever adopting the tech and all that comes with it, let’s take a look at what we are expecting to see in 2020.
Some of the best Cloud Native engineers in the world work for Container Solutions (yes, we’re biased, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t true). Besides helping client companies like Shell, Adidas, and Fid...
It is with great pride, and no small measure of relief, that we announce the publication of our new book from O’Reilly Media. As of this week, copies of ‘Cloud Native Transformation: Practical Pattern...
In its Aristotle project, Google tried to define the success of effective teams. The researchers’ main finding was that what really mattered was less about who is on the team, and more about how the t...
Moving your business to the cloud could mean freeing your organisation from the need to maintain your own antiquated, energy-sucking data centres for everything. Escaping the ever-present threat that ...
Getting started with Cloud Native is deceptively easy. Anyone, anywhere—even with zero Cloud Native experience—can simply go online to any public cloud provider, click, and within 10 seconds have a fu...
In a previous post we covered the history and rules behind capabilities. In this post, we'll go through some examples of how Linux capabilities work and can be used, and the tooling available. We will...
As Container Solutions grows, so does the number of projects we commit to every year. To keep quality high and continue to serve our clients well, we have learned to streamline the way we deliver our ...