Here you will find a Terraform configuration file that will create a single virtual machine in the Google Cloud Engine (GCE) platform using Terraform.
I wanted to run a straightforward experiment in a virtual machine in Google Cloud and I couldn't find a Terraform snippet to get me up & running. The truth is that I had never created a GCE environment myself, so I was not familiar whatsoever with the concepts or how everything was glued together. After some head banging against my keyboard and experimenting with different approaches for the Terraform config file, this is what finally got me in the game:
variable "region" {
default = "europe-west1-d" // We're going to need it in several places in this config
provider "google" {
credentials = "${file("account.json")}"
project = "my-project"
region = "${var.region}"
resource "google_compute_instance" "test" {
count = 1 // Adjust as desired
name = "test${count.index + 1}" // yields "test1", "test2", etc. It's also the machine's name and hostname
machine_type = "f1-micro" // smallest (CPU & RAM) available instance
zone = "${var.region}" // yields "europe-west1-d" as setup previously. Places your VM in Europe
disk {
image = "debian-7-wheezy-v20160301" // the operative system (and Linux flavour) that your machine will run
network_interface {
network = "default"
access_config {
// Ephemeral IP - leaving this block empty will generate a new external IP and assign it to the machine
For this to work you're going to need:
.terraform plan
to make sure everything is looking goodterraform apply
terraform show | grep assigned_nat_ip
You're good to go!