Cloud Native Blog - Container Solutions

minimesos 0.7.1 - Config file support and init command

Written by Frank Scholten | Mar 16, 2016 12:33:51 PM

Yesterday we released minimesos 0.7.1. You can install it using our new installer: curl -sSL | sh. The Docker images are available from Docker Hub and the jar is available via Jitpack. Minimesos is an experimentation and testing tool for Mesos with a Java API and a Vagrant-like workflow. The main new improvements in this release are the new minimesos init command and the minimesosFile. Besides that we fixed a few issues surrounding image pulling and Mesos versions.

Configure your cluster with the minimesosFile

In previous versions of minimesos, the up command created a default cluster consisting of a single Master, Agent and Zookeeper container. Several people wanted to change this configuration from the cli by changing Mesos versions or Agent resources. Therefore we introduced the minimesosFile. Additionally, we added the minimesos init command to generate a default configuration that can be changed before running up. Check out Viktor's (@sadovnikov) video on the minimesos blog:

What's next?

The focus of the next version of minimesos, 0.8.0 is service discovery. The goal is that frameworks and processes running on minimesos can find each other automatically. Currently, when installing a framework via Marathon it is necessary to put hardcoded IP addresses of the Zookeeper container in the JSON file. Our aim is to setup a standardized address for Zookeeper so this name can be used inside the Marathon JSON file.

Keep in touch

Thanks for reading! Keep in touch by commenting on the blog or talk to us at @minimesos and @ContainerSoluti. Check out the open issues on Github. Do you have an idea on how to improve minimesos? Please open an issue or add a PR at the minimesos Github repo. We hope you find minimesos useful. See you next time!